HOWTO zu den Spezialitäten von Python (C) 2016-2024 T.Birnthaler/H.Gottschalk OSTC Open Source Training and Consulting GmbH Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Besonderheiten von Python im Vergleich zu anderen Programmiersprachen oder Skriptsprachen. ________________________________________________________________________________ * Conceived as TEACHING/LEARNING/TRAINING language (in the beginning) --> Easy to learn syntax --> Indentation counts --> Makes Copy-and-Paste difficult --> Documentation easily integratable --> Educational aspects important (e.g. indentation, very clear error messages) * FULLY object oriented programming language (OOP) + EVERYTHING is an OBJECT (even numbers, functions, classes, modules, ...) --> Functions, classes, modules, ... are "FIRST CLASS" objects! Can be: created at runtime passed as parameters to and returned from functions assigned to variables + Each built-in DATATYPE is a CLASS --> Self defined CLASSES behave like built-in datatypes! --> May be used to inherit from + BASE CLASS of ever class is "object" + All MEMBER FUNCTIONS are VIRTUAL + All MEMBERS are PUBLIC (no real encapsulation) --> Naming conventions cause PRIVATE/PROTECTED members + DUCK TYPING: if it looks and behaves like a duck, it's a duck interface is the same --> undistinguishable + MONKEY PATCHING (classes/instances may be dynamically changed) * EVERYTHING (EACH OBJECT) + Has a fixed DATATYPE: type(OBJ) + Has a fixed unique ID: id(OBJ) = memory address + Has a REFERENCE COUNTER (counts names pointing to it): sys.refcounter(OBJ) + May be converted to STRING by str(OBJ) / repr(OBJ) + May be converted to BOOL by bool(OBJ) + May be printed out by print(...) + Has a BOOLEAN VALUE True/False in boolean context + May be compared to any other object by == (value equal) and != (value different) + May be compared to any other object by is (identical object) and is not (different object) + May have ATTRIBUTES (key-value pairs) associated with it (built-in datatypes NoneType int float complex str tuple list dict don't!) * SYNTAX + INDENTATION is part of the syntax + defines NESTING STRUCTURE (BLOCK) (colon ":" <-> ONE indented statement needed --> keyword "pass" if empty) --> Pretty-printer (automatic indentation) impossible! --> do it yourself! --> No automatic indentation by IDE/Tool possible! --> Only ignored between parentheses ( [ { ... } ] ) between multiline string quotes """...""" in empty lines and before comments #.... next line after line continuation "\" at line end + One line = one statement (normally) + No special statement terminator but line end (but ";" is statement separator to combine several statements on one line) * Token = Keywords + Operators + Identifiers + ... + UPPER/lower case counts EVERYWHERE (identifier, keyword, module name, ...) + 35 KEYWORDS (only) have a fixed meaning (all other IDENTFIERS allow change) + 75 BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS (non-OOP, may change their meaning, but shouldn't) + 55 OPERATORS mapped to "magic methods" --> redefinable for own datatype + 94 MAGIC METHODS (called automatically by built-in function, operator, object creation, iteration, function entry/exit, ...) + Identifier - XXX_ used as identifier if XXX is a KEYWORD - __XXX__ are python INTERNAL names ("MAGIC METHODS, there are a lot of them!) - __XXX are private names of classes (mangled --> _CLASS__XXX) - _XXX are protected names of classes or not exported names of modules - _ used as syntactically necessary identifier if value not needed - _ contains result of last expression in interactive interpreter - _ often used with internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) * EVERYTHING is an OBJECT (even numbers, functions, classes, modules, ...) --> Functions are "FIRST CLASS" objects! * Each DATATYPE is a CLASS --> Self defined CLASSES behave like built-in datatypes! * Each VALUE/OBJECT/INSTANCE knows it's DATATYPE + number of REFERENCES to it --> Automatic type checking during program run --> Automatic reference counting + object destroyance + garbage collection! * IDENTIFIER are just REFERENCES to OBJECTS (SYMBOL TABLE entry) (means VARIABLES store references to OBJECTS) --> So Variables are ALWAYS initialized --> So any identifier may point to any object during run-time! --> Any identifier may be redefined any time! --> Any identifier may be deleted by "del ..." (removed from symbol table)! * DATATYPE of VALUE is defined by VALUE SYNTAX or explicit DATATYPE CONVERSION --> No variable declaration (but TYPE HINTS since Python 3.5/3.6/3.7) * NO AUTOMATIC DATATYPE CONVERSION --> has to be done MANUALLY --- but: + Numeric Types int <-> float <-> complex <-> bool in expressions (boolean True/False --> 1/0 in expressions) + ANY DATATYPE may be converted --> bool (e.g. in boolean context if ...:) + ANY DATATYPE may be converted --> str (e.g. autom. in function print()) * EACH OBJECT + Has a datatype: type(OBJ) + Has a unique id: id(OBJ) = memory address + Has a reference counter: contains number of references to it + May be converted to a STRING by str(OBJ) / repr(OBJ) + May be printed out by print(...) + Has a boolean value True/False in boolean context + May be compared to any other object by == (value eqal) and != (value different) + May be compared to any other object by is (identical object) and is not (different object) + May have ATTRIBUTES (key-value pairs) * Lots of RUN-TIME CHECKS (automatically and permanent) + Access/usage of values datatype + functions + operators + Access/usage of index/key + Access/usage of mutable/im-mutable = read-write/read-only datatypes --> NoneType bool int float complex str bytes tuple frozenset ... + Datatype conversion possible + Operator applyable to operand datatypes + Reference counter == 0 --> Object may be destroyed and its memory freed * Any RUN-TIME ERROR cancels program execution and prints out + Script filename + Line number + Error class (e.g. "FileNotFoundError") + Error message (e.g. "division by zero not allowed") + Traceback (call stack = way through function calls to error code line) * Error handling is always done by exception handling or context object --> "try-except" and "with" --> Separate "real" code and error handling * Datatype names may be used as FUNCTION to do CONVERSION to that datatype (e.g. datatype int --> conversion function int("1234") --> 1234) + Create Objects from Class-Name * Impossible CONVERSIONS are not allowed + "None" cannot be used in expressions + Any data from outside is always of datatype "str" (argv, environ, ...) + i = int(input("Please give a number: ")) crashes on input of a float "1.0" * Functions + Definition + call ALWAYS need PARENTHESES (...) --> WITHOUT PARENTHESES --> reference to funktion object! + Always have a RETURN VALUE (at least "None") which may always be ignored + Allow ANY OBJECT as parameter or return value + Allow positional and named parameters + Allow necessary and optional parameters + Allow any number of positional/named parameters + Decorators = wrap function by "enhancer function" (cascadable) * Lot of SEQUENCES (indexed, ordered, similar behaviour, similar syntax) + str = sequence of chars (read-only) + bytes = sequence of bytes (read-only) + tuple = sequence of elements/objects (read-only) + list = sequence of elements/objects (read-write) + bytearray = sequence of bytes (read-write) + file = sequence of lines separated by "\n" or "\r\n") * Tries to delay/retard any work as long as possible + Call by reference + Assignment --> COW = Copy on Write (late binding) + Tuple/list/dictionary comprehension + Iterators + Generators (map, filter, reduce, zip, ...) * DON'T COUNT yourself, let python do it for you via + for-loop over sequences or collections or files + for (i,v) in enumerate(SEQ): ... + Function range(N,M,S) + Function slice(N,M,S) + Slicing [N:M:S] * DOCUMENTATION very easy + Integrated via DOCSTRINGS into source code (reStructured) + Generatable from source code via "pydoc" or "easydoc" or "Sphinx" + Done by ASCII or reStructured or ... text * REFLECTION / SELFINSPECTION possible + Function type() + Function id() + Function dir() + Function help() + Function callable() + Function isinstance() + Function issubclass() + List of variables in namespace by vars() globals() locals() + Attributes: __name__ __class__ __weak__ __call__ + Attribute dictionary: __dict__ + Symbol table dictionary: __dir__ (Namespace) + Attribute access: getattr() setattr() hasattr() delattr() + Class Method Resolution Order: CLASS.__mro__ CLASS.mro() * Declarative instead of procedural programming + Tuple/List/Dictionary comprehension (declarative instead of functional) + Generators + Decorators * Specialities + Datatypes are IM-MUTABLE/READ-ONLY (bool int float complex str tuple) or MUTABLE/READ-WRITABLE (list dict set) + Only one type of value transfer: CALL BY REFERENCE --> Always references are used/moved (NEVER VALUES) + Assignment ASSIGNS new reference to variable name (COW = copy on write) + Memory allocation/deallocation done by python itself (garbage collection) + There is no empty statement, keyword "pass" needed + "else" may be used at the end of most control structures (if, for, while, try, with, ...) + String technique if identifer "no yet" usable but needed - __slots__ - getattr, setattr, delattr, hasattr, ...