Python "Magic Methods" (C) 2018-2021 T.Birnthaler OSTC GmbH ====================== Python kennt 94 magische Methoden ("dunder methods" = double underscore), die Python automatisch aufruft, wenn die entsprechende Operation mit einem Objekt (oder einer Klasse) durchgeführt wird (P2/P3 = nur in Python 2/3). Doku --> +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | Magische Methode | Aufruf durch ... | Bedeutung | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __new__ | CLS() | Subclass immutable type | | __init__ | CLS() | Konstruktor | | __del__ | del OBJ garbage collector | Destruktor | | __slots__ | CLS attributes | Attribute | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __enter__ | with ... as ... | Kontext-Manager | | __exit__ | with ... as ... | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __iter__ | for ... in ..., enumerate() | Iterator-Protokoll | | __next__ | for ... in ..., enumerate() | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __getinitargs__ | pickle.dump()/.restore() | Pickling-Protokoll | | __getnewargs__ | pickle.dump()/.restore() | " | | __getstate__ | pickle.dump()/.restore() | " | | __setstate__ | pickle.dump()/.restore() | " | | __reduce__ | pickle.dump()/.restore() | " | | __reduce_ex__ | pickle.dump()/.restore() | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __copy__ | copy.copy() | Flache Kopie (shallow) | | __deepcopy__ | copy.deepcopy() | Tiefe Kopie (deep) | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __repr__ | repr() | Maschinen-Repräsentation | | __str__ | str() | Menschliche Darstellung | | __format__ | F"..." "...".format() | Formatierung | | __unicode__ P2 | unicode() | in P3 __str__ + __byte__ | | __hash__ | hash() | | | __nonzero__ P2 | bool() on instances | in P3 renamed __bool__ | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __bool__ | bool() | Typ-Konvertierung | | __bytes__ | bytes() | " | | __complex__ | complex() | " | | __int__ | int() | " | | __long__ P2 | long() | " | | __float__ | float() | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __oct__ | oct() | Zahlen-Konvertierung | | __hex__ | hex() | " | | __bin__ | bin() | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __index__ | OBJ[N:M:S] | Slice-Operator | | __dir__ | dir() | Objekt-Attributliste | | __call__ | OBJ() called as function | x() --> x.__call__() | | __coerce__ P2 | | Mixed mode arithmetic | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __getattr__ | OBJ.ATTR getattr() | Objekt-Attribute | | __getattribute__ | OBJ.ATTR getattr() | " | | __setattr__ | OBJ.ATTR = VAL setattr() | " | | __delattr__ | del OBJ.ATTR delattr() | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __get__ | | Deskriptor-Klasse TODO | | __set__ | | " | | __delete__ | | " | | __set_name__ | | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __init_subclass__ | | TODO | | __instancecheck__ | isinstance() | | | __subclasscheck__ | issubclass() | | | __class_getitem__ | | TODO | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __len__ | len() | Anzahl Container-Elemente| | __length_hint__ | | TODO | | __reversed__ | reversed() | Reihenfolge umdrehen | | __contains__ | in not in | Enthält (nicht) | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __getitem__ | OBJ[KEY] | Indexzugriff auf Element | | __missing__ | OBJ[KEY] | dict-Subklasse | | __setitem__ | OBJ[KEY] = VALUE | " | | __delitem__ | del OBJ[KEY] | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __eq__ | x == y | Werte-Vergleich | | __ne__ | x != y | " | | __lt__ | x < y | " | | __le__ | x <= y | " | | __gt__ | x > y | " | | __ge__ | x >= y | " | | __cmp__ P2 | x y --> -1/0/1 | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __add__ | + | Arithmetische Operatoren | | __sub__ | - | " | | __mul__ | * | " | | __matmul__ | @ | " | | __div__ P2 | / | " | | __truediv__ P3 | / | " | | __floordiv__ P3 | // | " | | __mod__ | % | " | | __divmod__ | divmod() | " | | __pow__ | ** pow() | " | | __lshift__ | << | " | | __rshift__ | >> | " | | __and__ | & | " | | __or__ | | | " | | __xor__ | ^ | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __radd__ | + | Reflektierte arith. Op. | | __rsub__ | - | " | | __rmul__ | * | " | | __rmatmul__ | @ | " | | __rdiv__ P2 | / | " | | __rtruediv__ P3 | / | " | | __rfloordiv__ P3 | // | " | | __rmod__ | % | " | | __rdivmod__ | divmod() | " | | __rpow__ | ** | " | | __rlshift__ | << | " | | __rrshift__ | >> | " | | __rand__ | & | " | | __ror__ | | | " | | __rxor__ | ^ | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __iadd__ | += | Erweiterte Zuweisung | | __isub__ | -= | " | | __imul__ | *= | " | | __imatmul__ | @= | " | | __idiv__ P2 | /= | " | | __itruediv__ P3 | /= | " | | __ifloordiv__ P3 | //= | " | | __imod__ | %= | " | | __ipow__ | **= | " | | __ilshift__ | <<= | " | | __irshift__ | >>= | " | | __iand__ | &= | " | | __ior__ | |= | " | | __ixor__ | ^= | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __neg__ | - | Unäre arithmetische Op. | | __pos__ | + | " | | __abs__ | abs() | " | | __invert__ | ~ | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ | __round__ | round() | Fließkomma-Konvertierung | | __floor__ | floor() | " | | __ceil__ | ceil() | " | | __trunc__ | trunc() | " | +-------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+ HINWEISE: * Die Zuweisung "=" ist KEIN Operator und kann daher nicht überladen werden (gibt immer ID zu einem Objekt zurück). * "is" und "is not" vergleichen die Objekt-Identität per ID und kann auch nicht überladen werden. Abkürzung für: o1 is o2 # id(o1) == id(o2) o1 is not o2 # id(o1) != id(o2) * __iOP__ = Intrinsic Operator, aufgerufen bei verkürzter Zuweisung a OP= b * __rOP__ = Reflected Operator, aufgerufen falls die von o1 OP o2 aufgerufene Funktion type(o1).__OP__(o2) den Wert "NotImplemented" zurueckgibt oder falls die Funktion type(o1).__OP__() nicht vorhanden ist.